From the recording carefully there a strange thing

music by: Adam J Black & Nicholas Stevenson


all these broken pieces,
yoked cohesively as one;
in tenderness a mess of pitch and tar.
curious that such segments
seem contented to be spun
in allosteric orbit around the heart.

i’ll be careful;
prayerful when stepping on your toes,
giving grace the space to grow.
let's speak gently;
intently with hopeful, honest words,
knowing neither has deserved this promise.

a cord formed from these tatters
gathering scattered strands to loom,
intricate and beautifully bound.
gilded glad in reverence,
all the remnant scraps exhumed;
undignified yet graceful as a gown.

i’ll be careful;
prayerful when stepping on your toes,
giving grace the space to grow.
let's speak gently;
intently with hopeful, honest words,
knowing neither has deserved this promise.